Fake producers were screened out by Nébih

The employees of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) also conducted administrative, market and place of production inspections during the target inspection of primary producers in the summer. In Budapest and six rural settlements, 32 primary producers were inspected, and 10 procedures were initiated. The experts also took action against primary producers who were not from their own cultivation and were distributing products not registered in the register, the office announced on Tuesday.

In addition to Budapest, Nébih’s specialists held administrative, market and production site inspections in Győr, Mezőcsát, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Pécs and Szigetszentmiklós, sometimes jointly with the staff of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV).

The supervisors also checked whether the sold product was included in the primary producer register, whether there was a person entitled to it on the market behind the counter, and whether the mandatory basic information was written out. The specialists also checked whether the primary producer sells products produced on his own farm, and whether the quantity of the product to be sold is proportional to what can be produced based on the register, or to the size of the livestock. Several inspections had to be carried out at the production site. In such cases, the inspectors examined the production area, its condition, legal title to use, the produced crop and any stocks