Dédestapolcsány. 2700-year-old bronze and iron hoard found in sieged Iron Age village in Hungary
2700 éves bronz- és vashalmot találtak a magyarországi ostromolt vaskori faluban
Az észak-magyarországi Bükk-hegységben található Dédestapolcsány-Verebce Vaskori hegységnél és településnél jelentős műtárgyakat és pusztítási bizonyítékokat tárt fel egy többnemzetiségű régészcsoport. A 2020-ban megkezdett telephely ásatásai rengeteg régészeti anyagot tártak fel.

A multi-national team of archaeologists has uncovered significant artifacts and evidence of destruction at the Iron Age hillfort and settlement of Dédestapolcsány-Verebce, located in the Bükk Mountains of northern Hungary. Excavations at the site, which began in 2020, have revealed a wealth of archaeological material.

2700-year-old bronze and iron hoard found in sieged Iron Age village in Hungary
Archaeologists uncovered bronze and iron artifacts and evidence of destruction at the Iron Age hillfort and settlement of Dédestapolcsány-Verebce in Hungary. Credit: Institute of Archaeology – University ELTE BTK

The settlement, located on the mountaintop of Verebce-bérc, was strategically positioned to offer commanding views of the surrounding landscape, a hallmark of fortified hillforts. Initially settled during the Early Iron Age, it thrived at the crossroads of several major cultures. However, archaeological evidence indicates that around the 7th century BCE, the site met its end in a brutal attack by Scythian forces from the Pontic Steppe, an area that corresponds to present-day Ukraine and Southern Russia.

One of the key pieces of evidence of this destruction comes from hundreds of bronze Scythian arrowheads scattered across the site, as well as a layer of charred buildings and melted bronze objects, suggesting the settlement was burned during the attack. According to the Institute of Archaeology of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE BTK), these findings are a stark reminder of the violence that marked the end of this once-flourishing community.

2700-year-old bronze and iron hoard found in sieged Iron Age village in Hungary
Doctoral student Péter Mogyorós, along with archaeology students Nikolett Dienes and Angéla Farkas. Credit: Institute of Archaeology – University ELTE BTK

The excavation team, led by specialists from ELTE BTK and involving students and local volunteers, has also uncovered more than 60 bronze and iron objects, including intricate jewelry and horse harness components. These objects were likely buried during the attack, a desperate attempt by the villagers to safeguard their valuables.

2700-year-old bronze and iron hoard found in sieged Iron Age village in Hungary
The remains of the wooden structure of a building destroyed and burned during the attack. Credit: Institute of Archaeology – University ELTE BTK

“The connection of these artifacts to southeastern European cultures, particularly the Balkans, is significant,” noted the research team in a statement. These findings reveal the extensive trade networks and cultural interactions that linked Dédestapolcsány-Verebce to distant communities during the Iron Age.

The discovery of over 600 iron, bronze, and gold artifacts, including tools, daggers, sickles, and iron blooms, has led researchers to believe that Dédestapolcsány-Verebce was a key center for ironworking. The high concentration of iron blooms recovered from the site, combined with evidence of extensive metalworking, suggests that the settlement played an essential role in the production and processing of iron during this period.

2700-year-old bronze and iron hoard found in sieged Iron Age village in Hungary
A decorated fragment of a bronze cauldron. Credit: Institute of Archaeology – University ELTE BTK

This year marks the third excavation season in a project that has been ongoing for six years. The team made significant progress in three different trenches, unearthing the charred remains of buildings destroyed during the attack. A comprehensive metal detector survey of the surrounding area further enriched the project, revealing additional metal objects.

The project has attracted a number of distinguished archaeologists, including Bernhard Heeb from Berlin, whose expertise in prehistoric metallurgy has been instrumental in analyzing the metal artifacts, and Martin Golec from the University of Olomouc, whose broader knowledge of prehistoric societies has contributed significantly to the research.

As excavations continue, the research team hopes to uncover more artifacts and further unravel the complex history of this Iron Age settlement.

Institut of Archaeology – University ELTE BTK